Online Programs
A virtual school in general refers to a program in which your child is at home, but takes courses over the Internet. These virtual schools offer online programs and often full curricula. They are usually administered by a public or private school. Thus, children enrolled in these programs are effectively enrolled in a school and skirt the definition of a homeschooled student. There are some controversies regarding these programs, but they do provide an alternative that is appropriate for some families. Learn more about how these programs work, what to expect, and how to get the most out of them.
Online Homeschool Programs & Curricula
Founded in 1999 by William J. Bennett, along with other leaders, K12 offers a traditional program of learning using online technology and traditional content. Many states are offering the K12 program through Virtual Acadamies, with programs that are free of charge to participating families.
eTAP Teaching Assistance Program is a premiere site for online instruction designed specifically to maximize student learning.
A Beka Academy
A Beka Academy is an accredited, comprehensive distance-learning program for kindergarten through grade 12. This academically challenging, college preparatory education features high-quality video instruction and uses Christian character-building textbooks from A Beka Book.
Alpha Omega Academy
Alpha Omega Academy (AOA) is an accredited online academy for grades K-12, with thousands of students enrolled worldwide.
Paradigm Virtual Academy
Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, PVA uses the tested and proven PAC curriculum, but in a virtual, online setting. Students with Internet access can now benefit from the PAC program from anywhere in the world.
eTutor Virtual Learning is an online school providing an in-depth curriculum to students in grades K-12 anywhere in the world. Access to the program is through subscription. Subscribers become part of an online learning community held in high regard by some of the nation's best educators. Ideal for homeschoolers, international students, student athletes and performers, health-impaired, gifted-talented students and those who want to increase or refresh their educational skills, eTutor provides lesson modules in the areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Subscribers have the option of working at the level of their choice.
Heritage Home School Academy
Heritage Home School Academy is an accredited Christian home school option for families across the United States and globally. Their school is focused on family, quality education, and the success of children preschool through 12th grade. They offer traditional Christian home school curriculum, and also, Christian online curriculum. Heritage Home School Academy’s traditional and online curriculum programs give parents options. Programs are affordable, accredited and can be adjusted for each child’s specific learning needs.
Basic Christian Education Academy
Since 1982, Basic Christian Education has provided a high-quality academic program that is permeated with the Word of God to homeschool families in North America and beyond.
Griggs International Academy
Griggs International Academy is an online Christian school with multiple accreditations. They offer full curricula, teachers who are certified experts in their fields, online high school diploma, and more.
American School
The American School offers a distance education program combining reasonable tuition and curriculum in both print and online format. They offer a free transcript evaluation service for transcripts from high school sin the United States to ensure you and your students are on the right educational path.
K12 Large Families
This group is for large families using the K-12 curriculum created by Dr. William Bennett. Both homeschooling families and Virtual School families are welcome. It is particularly intended for families with more than 3 children in K-12 as well as additional teens, toddlers and babies. Discussions include both the curriculum and the challenges of implementing it in a large family.
K12 Alabama
This group is for current or prospective users of Dr William Bennett's K12 curriculum in Alabama.
Looking for Another State?
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